What's up everyone!
Alright, so I just finished a layout... And I'm so in love with it!! I actually think it's THE best layout I've done since I started scrappin', so I wanted to share it with you. The kit I used was from that SYTYCD challenge, where the designers had to create a kit based on one of the Beatles song. The kit is from ValerieN Designs, and it's called LikeDreamersDo. I ADORE this kit. Be sure to grab it before it's too late! Oh and the WordArt is from that LovePackWA by Manda. She sent it to her CT as a gift! Isn't she amazing!? Alright, enough talking!
See ya!
Mycau =)
Alright, so I just finished a layout... And I'm so in love with it!! I actually think it's THE best layout I've done since I started scrappin', so I wanted to share it with you. The kit I used was from that SYTYCD challenge, where the designers had to create a kit based on one of the Beatles song. The kit is from ValerieN Designs, and it's called LikeDreamersDo. I ADORE this kit. Be sure to grab it before it's too late! Oh and the WordArt is from that LovePackWA by Manda. She sent it to her CT as a gift! Isn't she amazing!? Alright, enough talking!
See ya!
Mycau =)
Salut à tous!
Bon, alors aujourd'hui je voulais simplement partager avec vous ma nouvelle création! J'en suis vraiment fière, et je crois sincèrement que c'est pas plus belle page a ce jour! Elle a été créé avec le kit LikeDreamersDo par ValerieN Designs. Ce kit a été spécialement conçu pour le challenge SYTYCD. Allez le chercher pendant qu'il est encore temps! Oh et j'ai utilisé un des WordArt du kit LovePackWA par Manda. Elle a envoyé ce merveilleux cadeau aux membres de sa CT. N'est-elle pas formidable?! Bon, assez parlé!
À Bientôt!
Mycau =)

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Just a great layout! I love the way you used the word art. Just beautiful!