Alright, so I told you that I was now part of Heather Hill's Designs CT, and I am bringing you today the layouts for my first assignment with her. Metro Retro Kit is an awesome kit. It has that funky retro vibe, with a stunning color palette. You'll be able to purchase that kit over at Scrappity Doo Dah's store. It really isn't expensive for what you get, so you should totally grab it! You will NOT be disappointed!
See ya!
Mycau =)
Alright, so I told you that I was now part of Heather Hill's Designs CT, and I am bringing you today the layouts for my first assignment with her. Metro Retro Kit is an awesome kit. It has that funky retro vibe, with a stunning color palette. You'll be able to purchase that kit over at Scrappity Doo Dah's store. It really isn't expensive for what you get, so you should totally grab it! You will NOT be disappointed!
See ya!
Mycau =)
Bon, alors je vous ai mentionné un peu plus tôt que je fesais maintenant partie du CT de Heather Hill's Designs, et j'affiche maintenant mes pages de ma première mission avec elle. Le kit Metro Retro est fabuleux, les couleurs sont vraiment frappantes. Le kit est disponible à la boutique de Scrappity Doo Dah, et il n'est vraiment pas cher. Alors allez vous le procurer dès maintenant, vous ne serez pas déçus!
À Bientôt!
Mycau =)

Click on preview for download!
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